Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Follow Me Where I Go.....

What site, that recommends books, to follow? There are so many, but when given just a handful to choose from, and my A.D.D. mind thanks those that be, then the choice was easy. I chose the most visually appealing with the least amount of visual clutter. http://www.salon.com/topic/what_to_read/ 

According to a Google search I did, there are 129,864,880 books that have been published in modern history. I'm a busy woman. I work two jobs plus I'm a mom, wife, housekeeper, domestic secretary, laundress and general pit boss. Some days I don't have time to think much less browse the internet, library or local book store, with a latte in hand, trying to find good reading material. I may have a few moments, between chores, to quickly browse the "latest & greatest".

Because I am busy and because I, like many readers, want something good to read that won't waste my time with literary muck I often turn to the mass ratings of Goodreads and Amazon. I've never used a recommended book site, so it will be interesting to follow what books Salon choses and to see if, in my opinion, their books are worthwhile.

1 comment:

  1. "... won't waste my time with literary muck."

    Love that comment.

