Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"Do, or do not. There is no try." My journey into the world of Sci Fi

"Do, or do not. There is no try."

Ugh. I do not like the science fiction genre. Fantasy, on the planet Earth, I can handle. Add in a strange planet, weird names, odd life forms and I'm a goner. Oh I like a good sci-fi movie...just not books. All of this is immensely funny if you consider that my father only read science fiction and that my youngest child likes science fiction. It is actually because of his interest that I selected this genre to explore in the hopes that I might have something literary to bring to the table that would interest him.  Historical Fiction, my fave, bores him silly.

On offer were three choices. I chose http://www.sfsite.com/
Why? Of the three, it seemed to most likely to speak some form of English that I might understand.  None of them were visually appealing to me. All of them were rather cold, cluttered and no nonsense. See, I told you I disliked science fiction, and my feeling are undoubtebly coloring my perception of these sites. I could be wrong. We'll see.

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